[Netrunner] three points of news: Meetup, new packs, upcoming tournament

Simone Sonderegger c-moon at gmx.ch
Sun Apr 28 16:10:41 CEST 2024

Dear Netrunner,

I got two, no actually three things to communicate:

1. The biweekly Bern City Grid Meetup at Erupt lounge happened already twice and will be again next week on the 1st of May. Join us and enjoy a few games of netrunner. Newcomers are always welcome!

2. The ordered packs have arrived and I will all contact you directly with payment details etc. 
-For everybody: I could bring them to the meetup on Wednesday
-For the People in and around Bern: Meetup or deposit it in DracheNäscht for pickup
-For the People from Basel, Zürich etc.: Meetup or Post (additional costs). If there are local Netrunners who would volunteer to distribute the packs in their locals grids, that would be preferable.
-other Option: See below

3. A new Tournament is up
I got plans for a CO Tournament on Pfingstmontag 20th of May: https://alwaysberunning.net/tournaments/4252/circuit-opener-2024-dragons-lair
I chose Startup as a Format so we can enjoy the new cards a bit more and make it more accessible for Newbies.

Always be running!
Your TO
Simone aka ataraxis

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